I'm going to miss this world When I leave it all too soon My energy will dissipate Raw and unformed Back into the universe It's a beautiful place The cobalt skies and deep oceans The mountains thrusting high Dense forests wild with secrets The animals… Oh, all the animals Living and eating and breeding Striving for survival But always in balance Unlike so many human beings Constantly demanding more Than their fair share Greedy, selfish, and careless Destroying the harmony Of this wondrous world Some people tried and try Loving and caring and tending Wanting to be better To do better But all too few Never enough to restore Or fully repair the damage done I will miss those people, too The ones I've loved With all of my damaged heart More than my own silly life Ending with a sad whimper Rather than a big bang My proudest accomplishment Is bringing them into this world Through my love for one of the best The most amazing woman I've ever known No wonder they are magical Being her beautiful babies No wonder at all I leave this world in their hands Knowing they will be more And do more A tiny spark of who I am Well… who I once was Carried in their hearts forever Even though I Will cease To be
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