I found it in a clearing Buried deep in the old woods The walls still standing The roof sadly sagging Windows cracked, shattered Door forced open and vulnerable Strangely inviting me inside I felt a thrilling tingle Something abandoned Something unexplored The sun was high in the sky But the forest was dark So very dark Against my better judgment I peeked inside and entered Dusty, musty, spider home Leaves and litter across the floor A kitchen with dishes on the table The sink full of black grime An old floor creaking ominously As I explored more deeply If I fell through rotting boards Would anyone ever know? Would my bones mingle With those of the home? A child’s room with old toys Forgotten and left behind Deep sadness emanating Why did they leave? Where did they go? Do homes mourn the loss of their families? Do they try to claim someone new? Filling themselves with life and laughter? Failing that, once again, alone Empty and abandoned Crumbling and fading Until all is lost and forgotten
Larry Cornett is a writer who spent many years of his life writing design specifications, product requirements documents, and business plans. He yearned to break free and explore the words that flow when imagination is allowed to run wild. This newsletter is a collection of his work when his sleeping mind is allowed to come out and play.